Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, great are Thou! Your Majesty and Magnificence know no end, Your Mercies are boundless, Your compassion towards mankind is infinite, Your loving kindness is overwhelming, we are blessed in the praising of You, for great and pure is the truth of the worship of You, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we are so thankful for all the daily blessings Your benevolence bestows upon us. Our needs are met and provided for before we even recognize they exist. Your Providence is evidence of Your eternal omniscience, Your goodness and grace are reflected and exemplified in the perpetual prosperity we are so consistently afforded. We are blessed to be a blessing and our cups overflow in gratuitous Thanksgiving, Selah!
Father, as we petition You for the forgiveness of all of our sins, we are definitely aware that Your promises of an all encompassing grace, assure us, yes even guarantee to us, that we will be forgiven, and yet we do not come forward without regret, as repentance and remorse guide our request before You, and we understand that, but for Your most tender mercies we would be consumed, we thank You and we Praise You, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we take joy in Your faithful forgiveness and arise, washed and cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, forever grateful and ready to devote ourselves to the spreading and sharing of so blessed a Gospel, that all mankind might be made aware that there is indeed a Balm in Gilead, that in Christ is the promise of everlasting and eternal life, Selah!
Father, we die unto ourselves, submitting our wills unto Your Lordship, and beg You to create in us a clean and pure heart, mold us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, that we may have an attitude of gratitude, and also give us eyes and ears of discernment, that we might properly choose between good and evil, and conform ourselves unto all righteousness and holiness, forever praising Your Holy Name, Hallelu YAH!
Father, may Your love be foremost upon our foreheads, that we might go forth as instruments of Your infinite charity, saving the lost, resurrecting the dead, making the blind to see, the lame to walk, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, the sick to be healed and the captives to be set free, Selah!
Father, mightily bless all of the prayers of the Saints this day and most especially our prayers of intercession, that the Word of God might be lifted up and proved in us, in the Mighty and Matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, the Majestic Prince of Peace, Most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen