Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, there are times when our spirits can become heavy with despair, when it seems the dark clouds of sorrow have covered every ray of hope, when the trials of life seem to cut the very ground from beneath our feet, it is then oh LORD, we turn our heads to the Heavens from whence cometh our help and thus we open our hearts and there we find You, Oh Mighty God, Mighty God, our souls find the Solid Rock of the Ages for which to stand on, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in You our hearts are filled with the Word of God, Your presence is warm, inviting, covering us in the security of the peace that perseveres through all pain, that endures all troubles, that always emerges through life’s struggles victorious, Selah!
Father, bubbling and bursting forth from within us is a Mighty Praise, a Great and Grand Worship, a Joy, an unspeakable resounding everlasting JOY! Our adoption is sure, our station in the family of God stable, our legacy everlasting and eternal, for we have become the Sons and Daughters of God, the children of His Family, the begat and begotten, Hallelu YAH!
Bless us to be ever grateful and appreciative of Your everlasting and so amazing Grace, as we place our sins and transgressions before You, begging and beseeching in the sincere repentance of our hearts, Your most blessed and faithful forgiveness. Father, we thank You, for this and every blessed provision of Your eternal Providence, Selah!
Father, every morsel, every crumb of blessing, just the wee bit of Your wisdom, yields blessings upon blessings. Your hallowed Presence fires the light of Your eternal, everlasting and most gracious Love. We abound in its graces. Your goodness bestows again and again upon us a raining, a flooding of blessings for which we must ever struggle to keep up with in dispersal. Father, Your giving overcomes us like a tidal wave, and try as we like, we are never ever prepared for its reception, Hallelu YAH!
Father, continue to plant us as seedlings throughout this sin sick world, nurture us to grow as the grass ever extending and filling the empty places, spreading the Gospel of the Risen Savior. Father, grow us like trees planted by the riverside, deeply rooted and well watered and nourished by the abundant life that is The Living Word of God, Selah!
Father, bless this and all the prayers of the Saints this and every day, bless us to preach the Word of God unto Salvation, instantly, in season and out. Bless us, Father, to be a continual blessing to all, in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The True and Living God, and by the most perfect and potent power of His precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen