Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, Your Grace is so sufficient, so encompassing, so overwhelming, it grants us forever such assurance of Salvation, such a real and eternal life and we forever shower You with Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship, Hallelu YAH!
We thank You Lord for everything Your so Great Love blesses us with, Your Mighty Hand of Guidance and Protection. We Thank You Lord for Your Providence from which flows our Daily Bread, Your Divine Forbearance that keeps us in Your perfect peace, Oh Father, how we appreciate You, we are so grateful, our cups overflow in Praise, Selah!
Father, we give You all the Glory, for we are able to come before You right now and lay all our sins at Your feet and beg Your Holy forgiveness, and by faith we have an expectation of forgiveness, by the Holy Spirit, intercession is already made for us, but we come in obedience and in view of Your tender mercies and our sincere hope of Righteousness. Father, we Thank You, Hallelu YAH!
Father, Lord of the Ages, How we love the blessings of bathing in the Blood, the sacrifice of Atonement, the Anointing power, the unction of Sanctification, all the Great Blessings and Virtues of Salvation, immersed, covered, dripping we eventually emerge washed, cleansed ready to Party Lord, Celebrate Life, Eternal and Everlasting, Selah!
Father, send, in the Power of the Gospel, laborers into the fields ripe for Harvest, may our labors not be in vain, may lost hearts be open to receive, may the Gospel find in us pure vessels, cleansed of personal ambitions, devoid of deceit and manipulation, free of the baggage of traditional religion and legalism, armed with Your precious Grace to set the captives free, Hallelu YAH!
Father, may the bride of Christ be the Living Breathing organism that fulfills Your purpose in this age, growing and maturing into the fullness of the whole stature of Yeshua, handling Truth in the character and integrity of Holiness, making the crooked places straight, proper paths for the presence of our Soon and Coming King, whose name is Wonderful, Selah!
Father bless all the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them faultless before Your throne in Glory, in the perfect name of Jesus the Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, and by the power of His most precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen