
Prayer of the Day

Father GOD, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Thou are The Supreme Sovereign LORD of the Universe, Creator of All, even beyond what we might imagine, for Thou are GOD, The Almighty, Invincible, YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star Logo
Father, we are thankful for Your Presence in our lives, this Holy Communion that so rocks us, that shakes us and makes us into all You would have us to be, the very and full stature of Your only begotten, Yeshua, have mercy, Selah!

Father, we thank You for every crust of bread, every adornment, all the fine things Your generous Providence makes available for us, each and every day. Father, we thank You for Your Wisdom that grows and nurtures us, Your protection and security that gives us peace, we are thankful, grateful and appreciative, have mercy. Praise The Lord! Hallelu YAH!

Father, we are thankful that as we come to You begging the forgiveness of all of our sins, Your faithful forgiveness is always there for us, as we repent, cleansing us and washing us, empowering and perfecting us, sanctifying us unto the day of Redemption, Selah!

Father, as we are washed, dunked in the pools of the fountains of the Blood, the Blood that flows from Emanuel’s veins, the Blood that never loses its power, the Blood that was shed on yonder Cross, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the most precious and priceless Blood, Hallelu YAH!

Father, did we say Thank You! Thank You, Father! We are the Blood Bought, raised in righteousness, tested in the fires of trials and tribulations, forged on the anvil of ELOHIM’s Holy Word of Truth, fashioned by Love, in Love, for Love, Selah!

Father, help us to pray, and bless all of our prayers this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession. Bless the Body of Christ to mature, develop and grow into the Beautiful Bride You would have her to be. Father, all this we pray in the mighty and matchless name of JESUS THE CHRIST, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The One True ELOHIM, The First and The Last, The Mighty One of Israel, and by the potent power of His most precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen