
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Mighty and Holy Father ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, You are Invincible, You are the LORD of Warrior Hosts, Your Word is Sharper Than A Two Edge Sword, Razor Sharp, Cutting to the Quick and Core of Body, Soul and Spirit, Yet we are perfected by it and made meet unto Your purpose and we are grateful, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, we come through the darkest night, the fiercest of storms cannot hold us back, alone yet not lonely, draped, wrapped and covered in Your overwhelming Divine Presence, girding us through the hard times in Truth, bearing the marks in our bodies of sorrows, sufferings and sacrifices in communion with Christ, sharing in all the goodness of Your grand graciousness, Selah!

Father in boundless Thanksgiving, that gratitude that flows from the depths of our new creations core, gratefulness that flows from above due in large part to the benevolence of Your most generous gifts, a cornucopia of diverse blessings according to the riches of Your glories, an everlasting and never ending Providence, a provision eternal, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we bring all of our sin before You, everything, in regret, repentance and remorse, we ask Your forgiveness, thankful for Your great indulging Mercy, brought to us in justice, holiness and righteousness by the awesome sacrifice that removes all the penalties of the law, the blood sacrifice of the Lamb, an extreme sacrifice of bloodletting, pain, separation, suffering and sorrow, even unto very death, Selah!

Father, in a magnitude of Joy and Jubilation we rise from the washing of the Blood, innocent, pure and sanctified, soaking and dripping in the Anointing, contagious in the Unction of the Holy Spirit, fearlessly spreading The Word of God throughout all the world, preaching the Gospel of Christ the very power of God unto Salvation, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in spite of ungodly leadership over the dynamics of national economies, we pray a mega blessing, a raining of means and wherewithal, a Holy Spirit economy, a Heavenly investment into the means of production, a profound productivity in those talented and gifted individuals You have unctioned for times just like these, skill in the creation of new spheres of economic influence that will provide an income flow for the Children of God, until Shiloh come, Selah!

Father, indeed bless this and all the prayers of the Saints, this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession, as we come before You in the mighty and matchless name above all names, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, The Almighty Rock of Ages, and by the power of His most potent and precious shed Blood, Hallelu YAH! And Amen