
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, Blessed we are to be in the Shadow of the All-Mighty, The Ancient of Days, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel. Supreme Sovereign Creator, we bow, placing our sins before you in anticipation of the blessing of Your faithful forgiveness, requesting what Your favor and Grace has purchased by unparalleled sacrifice for us by the blood of the Lamb upon Calvary’s old rugged Cross.

We bring you our selfmindedness, our self-centeredness, our waywardness, our jealousies, envies, lusts, covetousness, greed, and the many deeds done in the flesh, along with the things we may have accomplished to Your glorification had we been obedient in all things.

Father, we lay our hearts open to You, our altar of sacrifice, that you might perform the needed adjustments and corrections, bringing our spirit inline with Your Holy Spirit, that our communion might be perfected, mature unto the complete and full stature of Jesus Christ. As our spirit is washed once again in the fount of blood flowing from Emanuel’s veins, we beg the restoring of our minds to Yours, our soul melded into the mind of Christ, one eternally with the Father.

Father, as we rise this day, may our countenance be marked by our dominant will of obedience to You. Father, may we as a prepared and perfected people be the laborers of Your heavenly harvest, the obedient, tender and loving sheep of Your pastures, the willing lions of the tribe of Judah, the Saints of the most High.  May our gathering of the church, the blessed bride of Christ, be our labor and service of Love, as we carry the message of Your Kingdom to the far flung ends of the earth, into the darkest recesses of this sinful world.

Father, may we do this work in complete abandonment unto Christ, leaving all things behind, with a heart and mind completely stayed on You. Father we thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the presence of Jehovah living within us, the power of the resurrection, which is with us forever, in every prayer we pray, every Word we speak, or sermon we preach, every person we touch and lay hands on, every demon we bind and rebuke and every unclean spirit we cast out.

Father, we thank You that this day, we the Saints of the most High God, walk in the power of the Kingdom of God, joint heirs with Jesus Christ, moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, abiding in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, moving in no fear of the forces of evil, but in the Power and in the Love of God. Father, we shall be the reality of obedience to the Great Commandments of Love, loving You and seeking Your will and Way in all things, and loving our neighbor as ourselves, thus empowered to fulfill Your Great Commission of going into all the world and making disciples, and baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers this day as we present them before Your throne of Love, Mercy, Grace and Peace, aware that all Power resides in You, in the Name of Jesus, and by His blood, amen.