Father God, Holy God, How Precious, How Great and Good Thou Are! Father You are the Supreme Sovereign Creator, You formed the Universe and all that is in it by the Breathe of Your Speech!
You are Living Word, Greater than our feeble mind can comprehend, Awesome is our reaction, we have yet to find a Word sufficient to describe Your Wonder, Your Splendor, Your Beauty, Purity, Holiness, Righteousness, Goodness. Thou are God, Majestic, Marvelous, Miraculous.
Father, we bow, yes kneel before you, contemplating our own wretchedness, and if able to understand a wee bit of Your Glory, we recognize just how low, low is, by the vision of Your exalted Grand Presence. Father in Your Presence we are humbled, and come repentantly bringing all our sins, all our failures, all our wretchedness before You, begging Your forgiveness.
Father we are thankful that You are faithful to forgive, as we forgive, to cleanse us in the Pool of Great Washing, the Heavenly Laundry Room, where the Ultimate Detergent, the Most Efficient Bleach, The Blood of the Lamb is applied to every stain, impurity and germ of sin, cleansing, restoring, delivering and healing.
Father we the Blood Bought, Heaven Born, Children of God, are filled with Prayer, Praise and Proclamation. We can not contain our Joy, for it flows in great outbursts, of Worship, of Joyful Noise, of Charity, and tidal waves of Love. Father, our reaction to Redemption is Love, to Salvation is the Sharing of the Word, to Healing is Helping of the Needy, for we are full of the Holy Spirit and within us is an endless, infinite capacity to serve our Father in Heaven, to glorify His Name, to imitate and follow Jesus, in Love, power and might.
Father, we thank You for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, for the Wisdom of The Word of God, for the Fellowship of The Saints, for the Goodness of The Gospel of Salvation, for the sweet communion of prayer, praise and worship.
Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers this day as we present them before Your throne of authority, in the Name of Jesus, and by the power of His Blood, amen.