Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator, YAHWEH! Father, we give You all the Glory, praise of You and Your miraculous wonders is forever upon our lips.
Father, Your majestic presence forever births our most reverent adoration, awe and admiration, as we lift Your name upon the Heavens. You are the most Ancient of Days, The Everlasting God, The Holy One of Israel, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Father, we enter Your courts with Thanksgiving, Your halls with praise, for You Yehovah GOD are our constant Provider, the benevolent benefits of Your perpetual Providence give rise to our most fervent worship. Thou are God there is none other.
Father, today we beseech Your tender mercies, tugging on Your heart and begging Your forbearance, that we might have the complete forgiveness of all of our sins. Father, our hearts are penitent, our remorse runs deep, yet joyously we accept Your faithful forgiveness and absolution of all of our transgressions, immediately immersing ourselves in the pools of the fountains of the Blood of Jesus. Covered in the Blood, we emerge dripping in the anointed substance of salvation, the virtues of sanctification a contagion we are endowed with.
Father, we find Holiness as sweet as honey, dripping from our countenances, for we are once more and again, in perfect communion with a Perfect God. Hallelujah! Father, thus we ask your continued blessings upon all the fellowships of the Saints, that the Body of Christ remain pure, chaste and innocent.
Father, we rise this day armored in God, equipped with the most powerful of spiritual weaponry, our arsenal overflows with a great supply of prayer, preaching, prophesy and the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Father, we have an unlimited supply of over the top firepower, in the LOVE, GRACE, PEACE & MERCY of the patient endurance of the Saints. We shall not be denied nor defeated, for we are found in the name above every name, Jesus!
Father, bless all the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them faultless before Your throne, eternal in the Heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach, The First and The Last, and by the power of His most potent and precious blood, amen.