Oh Heavenly Father, Mighty LORD and Conqueror of our hearts, We lift up a praise and worship offering to You, The Supreme Sovereign LORD, The Creator of all the universe, Hallowed and Holy is Your Name Above All Names, Thou are ELOHIM there is none other, of Your Mighty, Mighty LOVE there is no end, we are forever caught up in YOU, YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!
Father, our spirits are bursting and overflowing in the jubilation of Thanksgiving, how greatly You are to be Praised, we are found deeply encompassed and encapsulated in the Wonders of Your Worship, Your LOVE washes over us in tidal waves of blessings, we are overcome in our joy, You have turned our mourning into dancing, our sorrows into a sweet and succulent savor of Salvation, Selah!
Father, of Your giftings and blessings we are overwhelmed, the constant and continual flow of provision by the benevolence of Providence is just a foretaste of the eternal rewards in the House of the Lord. Father, Your blessings forever overtake us, we are blessed coming in and going out, whether we are up or down, Bread of Heaven feed us, Living Water refresh us, Have Mercy, HALLELU YAH!
Oh, Father, forgive us of all of the errors of our ways, as we forgive those whom error against us, lead us, guide us and teach us, in the Way of Righteousness. Father, our repentant hearts thank You for Your faithful forgiveness made possible by the shed Blood of the Lamb, the sufferings, the sacrifices of our sweet, sweet Savior, Selah!
Father, evermore our Thanksgiving rises again as we drink deeply of the wine of Holy Communion, flowing from the fountains into the pools of the Blood of the Lamb, the Blood we dive into, immersing ourselves in the Awesome and Amazing Grace, Oh How Great and Grand the LOVE, Oh How Multitudinous the MERCY, how constant the Compassion, HALLELU YAH!
Father, Oh Father, we rise today dripping with the Blood, soaked in the Anointing, Holy, Righteous and Innocent, on Fire with the Unction, Pure, energized, equipped and empowered to tear down evil, to lift up our Savior, to carry the Word of God throughout the world, to make disciples, to sing the sweet songs of salvation, the hymns of Zion, Selah!
Father, we thank You for the Birth, Death and Resurrection of our Soon and Coming King, may our lives be a living sacrifice and testimony of His eternal Love, Goodness and Grace. Father, we thank You and count all things done on earth and in Heaven by the immutable power of Your Will, in the name above all names, Yeshua Hamashiach, The Son of The Living God, True and Wonderful, Have Mercy, Hallelu YAH! Amen