
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Oh Father ELOHIM, Thou are a Mercy God, Most Holy Above All, Thou are from Everlasting to Everlasting, There is none other than You and We give You All The Honor, All The Glory, All The PRAISE! Mighty, Mighty GOD, Supreme, Sovereign, LORD, GOD Creator of everything, Thou are MOST Worthy, so we humbly bow before YOU! HALLELU YAH!

Father, from deep within us rises our thanksgiving, a mighty river of praise and worship, we become lost in Your LOVE, YOUR MERCY, YOUR GRACE, as children of the Most High daily we are blessed, coming in and going out, we are provided for from Heaven’s Providence, Your Gracious Benevolence is a sweet sweet blessing upon the Saints, Selah!

Father, forever You have pulled us out from the deepest and darkest night, in the depths of our sorrow and despair, You Almighty God were there. Father, You are our Guiding Light, A Great Love that warms us in the bitterest cold. You are nurture, a succor to the young and the old, the place of safety and security; You are our Haven and our Heaven, Hallelu YAH!

Father, always upon our righteous request You have forgiven us of all of our sins, no matter the degree of our weakness, You mend our brokenness, heal our hurts and our hearts, enable us to love even our enemies, from Your so Great Love we learn to be even mercy, and compassion, to sincerely imitate Your Amazing Grace, Selah!

Father, we are washed in the blood of the Lamb, Anointed with the oil of Gladness, The Mighty Unction of Heaven flows within us, we are thus empowered and equipped to tear the devil’s kingdom down, to carry the seed of the Living Word throughout the globe, bearing the Gospel of Salvation, the Power of God which makes men Holy, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we thank You for creating in us a clean and pure heart, that we might be devoted unto You, living sacrifices, enabled to worship You with our service, our ministries to mankind, to lift up Yeshua that all men might be drawn unto Him, to be saved, healed and delivered, unto all eternity, Selah!

Father, in these end times, keep us in Your perfect peace, teach us in the coming days, weeks and months, how to pray, to praise, to worship, to practice each and every moment the very Divine Presence. Father, all these things we pray, in complete faith and expectation that Your will be made manifest, in Heaven and earth, by the Name above all Names, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First and The Last, The True and Wonderful Son of the Living and Most High God, Hallelu YAH! Amen