
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Creator of the heavens and earth, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, ADONAI! We ascribe all Honor, Glory and Power unto You, Exalting You to the nth degree, for Your Love is endless, Your Mercy endures forever, Your Compassion is a constant consolation unto the Household of Faith, thus we Praise You, HALLELU YAH!

Father, Oh, Father, we lift You up with a chorus of Thanksgiving, our gratitude is a never ending flow of praise and worship for the constant daily and eternal benevolence You bestow upon us with the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit, our daily bread and the Bread of Life, for we are amply nourished and our thirst fulfilled by the rivers of Living Water, Selah!

Father, not only are all of our temporal needs met by the diversity of treats from the cornucopia of Your eternal Providence, but our souls and spirits are enriched by the blessings of the bread of Heaven, for we are guided, led and taught by the everlasting Wisdom of The Word of God, we are secured and sealed by the residence of the Holy Spirit, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we the children of a Mighty God, reverently and with repentance and remorse, request the forgiveness of all of our sins, as we have forgiven those whom have transgressed against us. Father, we are ever grateful for Your Faithful Forgiveness and immediately apply the disinfectant of The Washing of the Blood of the Lamb, savoring the succor of our sweet, sweet Savior, Selah!

Father, we rise today following in the footsteps of our LORD and Savior, shouldering up our crosses fervently, prepared to every good work and service in devotion to Your Holy Will. Father, we embrace every trial, tribulation, trouble, pain, sorrow, suffering and sacrifice knowing that our light and momentary afflictions reap great rewards for the Kingdom of Heaven, Hallelu YAH!

Father, may our lives prove to be living praise, prayer and proclamation of the Gospel of Salvation and may we use The Word of God when it is not possible for us to illustrate by the examples of our lives. Father, may we bring Honor and Glory to Your Name as we lift Up Christ in the Beauty and Glory of Holiness, letting the light of our Suffering Savior so Shine, Selah!

Father, bless this and all the prayers of the Saints this day, and may a royal blessing be upon all of our prayers of intercession, as we count all things done in Faith, on earth as it is in Heaven by the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of the Living God, Most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen