
Prayer of the Day

Father, Oh Father, Holy and Righteous are Thou, We call You LOVE, we color You Mercy, Compassion and Grace, we see You, Truth, Justice and Peace, we ascribe Honor, Glory and Majesty unto You, Thou are ELOHIM, there is none other, Creator of All, Sovereign and Supreme, Almighty YAHWEH! We praise You, we adore You, we Worship You, HALLELU YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star LogoFather, we praise You in the Spirit of Thanksgiving, we are grateful to have appreciation in our hearts, to know Your Love which helps us get over our very selves, allows us to die to ourselves and kill the flesh, that we may be a blessing in Your kingdom, for we are partakers of all good things poured out upon us by the blessings of Providence, and being in our right minds is chief amongst them all, Selah!

Father, this Holy Communion, Your Divine Presence in our lives is such a blessing, what a wealth, a prosperity we have claim to, for we are with GOD, have mercy, nothing is more precious, more valuable, this is the possession of the truly rich, for we dwell in the King’s House, eat at the King’s table and recline in the King’s presence, we of all are most blessed, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in personal intimacy we bring all our sins before You, laying them at the place made for us at the foot of Calvary’s Cross, in regret, remorse and repentance we unload them with You, just like Christ unloaded very Death, and exchanged it for Life, we unload our sins and exchange them for Righteousness, Holiness and JOY in the Holy Spirit, have mercy, Selah!

Father, in Your image and likeness we too forgive all those whom may have done us hurt or harm, and we retire to take part in the Holy Hygiene, the washing and cleansing in the Blood of the Lamb, the red, red wine that flows from Emanuel’s veins, that makes us whole again, that Anoints and appoints, that secures for us the Unction, that wraps us in the power of Heaven, Hallelu YAH!

Father, bless every fellowship with the attendance of Spirit filled believers, and sinners soon to be Saints, that the Word of God may be preached in power and effect, thus at the guiding of the Holy Spirit conviction and repentance unto Salvation may occur, that You might be so Glorified in Heaven, that Heaven might indeed come down and dwell freshly with men, Selah!

Father, we pray this and many other requests, counting them answered by Faith in the name above every Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of the Living God, most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen