
Prayer of the Day

Father, Dear Father, How blessed we are in the Presence of Your Holy Glory, surrounded in the celebration of Your Worship, enjoying the happiness of eternal Salvation, Stuck on Saved, Savoring This Magnificent Holy Communion in Your Majestic and Divine Presence, to know Eternal ELOHIM, The Creator of the Universe, Supreme Guardian, Sovereign Lord And Savior, Ultimate and Awesome in Mercy, Grace and Love, Forever YAHWEH we shall praise You, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star Logo
Father, for as we know You, we know Joy, unspeakable JOY! We have a heart of Praise and Worship for Your Mighty LOVE has worked a Marvelous work of Mercy upon our hearts, and made the seat of our spirits into the Most Holy of Holies, where is resident very Shekinah Glory and Majesty, all of this deposited within us, have mercy Lord, we house the very treasures of the Universe, we are Your Temple, The House of God, Selah!

Father, there is no wonder why You constantly make provision for us, we are blessed with all the riches and glory in high places, our inheritance is in true abundance, even as our daily temporal needs are taken care of by the graces of Providence, our thanksgiving is eternal, our gratitude endless, we shall forever appreciate all that You have done, are doing, and will do on our behalf, thus our hearts forever sing a song of Praise, Hallelu YAH!

Father, bless us to be mercy vessels of forgiveness, never leaving anyone in our debt, as You constantly and forever forgive us of all of our sins and transgressions. We ask You for Your forgiveness? We thank You that we are enabled to bring all before You and beseech Your tender mercies, assured that Your faithful forgiveness is always available to the sons and daughters of The King, so we thank You with repentant hearts for our complete absolution, Selah!

Father, we thank You for giving us discerning spirits to see the broken body of Christ on the Cross, the fellowship of the Saints, The Bride of Christ and to partake of Holy Communion, consuming and being consumed as we not only ingest, but bath in the precious blood that was poured out on Calvary, being blessed by the Awesome Anointing, carrying forward in the Holy Unction, lifting up our Lord and Savior, Hallelu YAH!

Father, bless the Harvest and bless the Laborers as we work with You to bring the prosperity and wealth of Salvation to those lost and hurting souls, any and all that would beckon to The Word of God, Him whose Body was beaten in Sacrifice, executed unto death, and arose from the dead, that we might live forever. Oh Father, if You can use anything of us, use us LORD, Selah!

Father, we ask Your blessings upon all the Saints, make Your presence known unto them, touch their hearts with a spark of Love, and let their Spirits be Enflamed with a will and a might for the accomplishment of Your Purpose on Earth. Father all this we pray in faith, in the mighty and majestic Name above every Name, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The First, The Last, The Eternally True and Wonderful Son of The Living and Most High God, Hallelu YAH! Amen