
Prayer of the Day

Our Father, we yield unto You YAHWEH, Thou Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Creator of the Heavens and Earth, Supreme and Sovereign Through All Eternity, The LORD of All Glory, Honor, Truth, Mercy and Grace, Your Love Endures Forever, Your Faithfulness is from Everlasting unto Everlasting, Your Majestic Presence is so Awesomely Marvelous, our Imaginations are extended in Your Creative Purposes, Praise and Worship easily flow from our Honest Admiration of Your Marvelous and Divine Being, Hallelu YAH!

Praying Hands, Dove and Star Logo
Father, indeed Thou are A Mercy GOD! How we are encouraged to feast upon Your Excellencies, Your Divine Presence is the privilege of our Most Holy Communion, we are Blessed, and Blessed and Blessed, as the flesh in us dies, Holy Life, Abundant Life, Resurrection Life comes shining forth from our Beings, for all Expression is given forth unto the Holy Spirit and we become very Praise, very Worship, indeed Shining, Living Sacrifices, a reflection of our Supreme Savior, Selah!

Father, This Divine Communion, the Glory of Your Holy Presence, Quakes our very being from the root of our Spirits we are Rocked, Like the Spike of a million Thunderbolts, The Holy Spirit comes alive within us and takes Pre-eminence in our lives, We are marked in all the Beauties and Glories of Holiness, Providence supplying our every Provision, we become Thanksgiving, we become LOVE, MERCY and GRACE, WE become One in You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, in all the privileges and rights of our legacy and inheritance, and having performed every needed act of grace and forgiveness, shedding Your Love abroad in Mercy, we in remorse and repentance bring all of our sins, every bit of mark missing, every unclean or selfish thought, every act devoted to the flesh, before You, beseeching Your faithful Forgiveness, and receiving Your Divine absolution from Your Generously provided Grace, We So Thank You, Selah!

Father, thank You for indulging us Daily in the blessings of the bathing and washing in the pools that flow from the fountains of the rivers of the Blessed Blood of The Lamb. Oh Father, how sweet and great, and grand it is, to just immerse ourselves in the warmth of the rich red Blood of Righteousness, to be covered in The Blood, Soaked in The Blood, Come Forth Dripping and Drenched in The Blood, OH Hallelu YAH!

Father, in all Gratitude we thank You for the infilling of The Holy Spirit, for empowering and equipping us with ample preparation to be enabled to Yoke up with You, to serve in this Glorious Ministry of Reconciliation, to carry and spread the Word of God, Himself the Good News that sets the captive free, makes the blind to see, sets the lame to walking and the dumb to talking, that breaks every shackle that binds and leaves none behind, for Father we are thankful to be the Elect, Your Select, Selah!

Father, grow us and teach us that our prayers would be without end, our preaching would manifest in power, our praise would be perpetual and our Love would be Forever. Father, all these things we ask, in Faith, in the mighty, matchless and majestic Name above all Names, Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of the True and Living God, Almighty ADONAI! HALLELU YAH! Amen