
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator! Father, what a blessing to rise to this day and talk with You, the blessings of communion with our precious Father are so sweet, so warming to the heart, so embracing that one is consumed by the fires of Your so great love, encompassed about by the security of Your embrace, coddled in the heart of Your bosom, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, to be loved by You, comforted in the glow of Your glory, covered by the protection of Heaven, engulfed by Goodness, Mercy and Grace, established in Love and Peace, is that not abundance, is that not prosperity, is that not wealth? Father to be blessed by all of the treasures of Salvation, the gifts of eternal life, have mercy! How sweet it is to be loved by You! Selah!

Father, through many afflictions, sorrows, pains, toils, snares, trials and tribulations, we come and You bring us through them all, whole, nothing missing and nothing lacking, for You provide us a peace that indeed surpasses all of our ability to comprehend, to imagine or understand, Hallelu YAH!

Father, Your Providence is a daily blessing and its magnitude of wealth is rich, yet when we ponder the richness of everlasting life, the fabric of eternal salvation, we are stupefied, for indeed You so loved us all, that You gave us the greatest gift in Your Son, and provided the richest gift in salvation, and oh how we praise You, we glorify Your name, Selah!

Father, we beg Your forgiveness of all of our sins, the lusts of our flesh, the covetousness of our hearts, the greed and selfishness, the flaws of our character and the elastic nature of our integrity, Father, all of these we repent of and more, remorseful in our failings and seeking Your complete absolution. Father, we thank You as You faithfully forgive us and wash us in the fountain that flows of Emanuel’s veins, the blood that never loses its power to heal, seal and restore, Hallelu YAH!

Father, bless us in the carrying out of Your will, way and purpose for our lives, may we be able ambassadors of Your government and regal representatives of Your love, willing to venture into every dark and unknown frontier of humanity, carrying the healing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto a sin sick world. Father, may we become communion, in relationship so tightly knit that Your will is our will, that we might become living Word, living Praise, living Prayer, perfected in Christ, Selah!

Father, bless all of the prayers of the Saints this day and most especially our prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your throne of eternal Glory, Mercy and Grace, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH! Amen