
A Prayer of the Day

PrayerFather God Holy God, Praise your Holy name, thank you Lord for your faithfulness, for I know as I bow before you and beg your forgiveness of sin, you will forgive me and wash me in the blood of Jesus Christ. What a great friend I have in Jesus, for in you I have buried the old man and have resurrected in and with You a new creation. I praise You, Father God, for truly what a work, a miracle is the new birth. The regeneration, the heavenly birth, the birth from above, many are called but few there be that shall know thee.

Thank you this day for Your perfecting peace, empowering love, and unspeakable joy, I enjoy the walk of the blameless, the righteous, the perfect, The Holy, and thus I praise your magnificent name. Worthy is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World, Worthy He is to be praised, who makes me a partaker of eternal life. The anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit which enables me to walk the Victory walk, enables me to rise exalted above the sin nature, to tear the Devils kingdom down. Your Word works in me like fire, consuming all the worldly and carnal pettiness, The Holy Spirit, allowing me discernment of evil, yet even greater than that is the love that gives me discernment of the need of so great a salvation, the need of the touch and Word of healing, of deliverance, thank You Lord, that I walk and live not as a spiritual babe but as a loving empowered and fierce warrior of my Heavenly and Soon Coming King.

I thank you Lord for the fellowship of the body of believers, the saints, that we can so share this salvation, and battle together united in Mighty Love. Let us touch swords, honing and sharpening so that as we engage the adversary we are tenacious in battle and victorious in outcome. We shall resist the Devil and he shall flee, for this day we live in the expansion of The Kingdom, in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, amen.