Father, Oh Father, we ascribe Glory and Honor unto Your Holy Name, The King of all Lords, You are above All, yet You have concern and compassion for All, Your endless Love and tender Mercy consoles our vulnerable beings, For You our Creator, ELOHIM, are the Sovereign Lord of our lives and of all creation, of all that exists, over it all You have The Supremacy, The Dominion, The Glory and The Power Almighty, Hallelu YAH!
Father, forever we are grateful, and in the Spirit of Thanksgiving we shower You with our Praise and Worship, for Thou are Worthy and justly So, for from Your Heavenly storehouses is provision for our every need met, the very desires of our hearts flow forth from Your benevolent, generous and gracious Providence, and we are blessed constantly, continually You reveal new ways of just Blessing us, and we are overwhelmed and astounded at Your Awesome Goodness, Selah!
Father, we have, without any mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatsoever, totally submitted ourselves, our very beings unto Your Lordship, yielding all unto You, in that place of existence into which we are ushered into the Holy of Holies, that privileged place of existence of the Saints wherein we experience all the blessings of the most intimate of Holy Communions, coming into the fellowship of Oneness with You our Master, Lord and Savior, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in abject humility, regret and penitent remorse, and having done due diligence in the examination of ourselves and the forgiving of all others, we bring all of our sins and transgressions, every unholy thought, action or deed, all of our unrighteousness before You, begging Your Faithful Forgiveness and the washing of the Blood of The Lamb, absolving us forever from the stench, stain and pain of sin, Selah!
Father, Joyously we celebrate all of the Blessings of The Kingdom, the very miracle of the New Birth, touching and tasting of everlasting life, peeking into Eternity, savoring the sweet nectar of The Beauty and Glory of Holiness in Righteous Perfection, drawing on the Glory of Shekinah in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, Blessed in all of our comings and goings, Anointed unto the nth Degree, Flowing in Your Power and Walking in The Way, HALLELU YAH!
Father, we ask Your intercession into the affairs of mankind, as many face all kinds of challenges and disappointments, the ravages of natural and financial disasters, the insecurities of the mortal life, sufferings, sorrows and despairs, lack and lost, all of this and more please address with The Power of Your Mighty Love, letting us draw out from sin, death and pain, the meat of repentance, worthy works unto Salvation that all that would be Saved will meet their appointments with Destiny and taste the Glory of Life Everlasting, Selah!
Father, this day may all of our prayers be sincere and unending, our preaching be with power and our praise and worship be mighty and perpetual. Father, all of these things we pray, by Faith in the Mighty and Matchless Name above all Names, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Son of the Most High and Living God, our Precious Prince of Peace and Sovereign Savior of All Glory, Hallelu YAH! Amen