Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator, YAHWEH! Father, how great, how good, Oh, Lord we are so thankful for everything, blessings rain on us from heaven, we are flooded in Your goodness, Your blessings know no bounds, Father we thank You that You are unrestrained in Your Love towards us.
Father, from our pain You bring Joy, from our darkness You draw Light, You turn our night to day, our sorrows and mourning into dancing, in our times of despair You teach us gratitude and thus we count our blessings and rejoice in jubilation as we see just what You have done in our lives.
Father, bless us once more and again with the forgiveness of our sins, as we repent and partake of the washing in the pools of the fountains of the blood of Jesus. Father, blood bought and washed, we arise cleansed and purified, a tide of righteousness, we give a cheer of praise, as all of our transgressions are whisked away. Hallelujah!
Father, You have redeemed us in a multitude of ways, the diversity of blessings is unfathomable, we cannot completely comprehend the many levels of blessings that Your benevolent Providence bestows, for You supply all our needs from the richness of Your glory, Your wealth overwhelms us, thus we are alive in praise, soaring in the worship of You. Mighty God! Mighty God!
Father, give back unto the church a missionary spirit, may we be overcome in zealous desire to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, may we hunger and thirst after righteousness, may we greatly desire every spiritual gift, may our hearts be pricked to share so great a Love that brought us unto Salvation.
Father, teach us to crucify the flesh daily, to kill the self with the efficacy of a hunter taking game, as a butcher slaughters flesh for meat, may we consciously and fervently place ourselves upon the altar and take the blow that succumbs us, that in our death, You might rise in us completely, that in deed our lives would truly be about lifting our Savior up.
Father, please bless all of the prayers of the Saints this day, and most especially our prayers of intercession as we present them faultless before Your throne of mercy, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach, The First and the Last, The Mighty One of Israel, and by the most potent power of His precious shed blood, amen.