Father, Almighty ELOHIM, FAITHFUL AND TRUE, MOST HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS IS THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR NAME! Father, Your Magnificence, Your Glory, Your Wondrous Majesty, Unmatched, unparalleled in the whole Universe, for Thou are the Awesome Creator, The Supreme Sovereign, The Most High God, YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!
Father, our hearts are filled and overflowing with Your Unlimited LOVE, Your Marvelous MERCY, and Your Constant COMPASSION, so much so, that we are stuck in a mode of perpetual Thanksgiving, Praise forever Proceeds from the Portals of our Souls, The Blessings of Providence daily overtake us, we are succored in the security of our Savior, Selah!
Father, being children of such a Mighty God, our spirits take flight and soar in the Beauty and Glory of Your Holiness, we are forever content, for Your Wisdom and Foresight has provided for our every need throughout eternity, our educations and development has been by the blessings of Your hand, we have been made fit for Your every purpose and Will, to bring Glory to the Household of Faith, the Kingdom of Heaven, Hallelu YAH!
Father, in view of our temporal limitations we bring all of our sins before You, beseeching Your intervention and intercession, having seen fit to require our own forgiving of those indebted to us, thus setting ourselves and all others free of the bondage of self pity and maliciousness. Father, in regret and remorse we repent, and receive from Your faithful forgiveness, full absolution, Selah!
Father, in the freshness of restored and renewed communion, we partake of the baths of the Blood of Jesus, submerging ourselves in the showers that flow from the rich red fountains of Righteousness, Holy Anointing flowing through us like the electricity of a Mighty Thunderbolt, drinking in the Unction of Your Ultimate Light, Heavens own Glory, Hallelu YAH!
Father, we rise this day to fulfill every intention of our elected purpose, so blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit that we cannot be denied. Father, we step to the rhythm of the Heavenly Cadence, marching in fulfillment of our Great Commissions, obeying the orders of our Great Commandments, delivered by the LORD of Warrior Hosts, our Captain most Courageous, The Christ! Selah!
Father, bless every being in the Kingdom of Heaven, angels and saints included, to man our battle stations, fight the good fight, in whatever capacity we are called, Lifting up Our Lord, that all the elect might be saved. Father, all this we pray in the mighty and matchless Name of Yeshua Hamashiach, The First and The Last, Most True and Wonderful, Hallelu YAH! Amen