Father, Holy and Righteous God, we bow before you this day requesting from You the forgiveness of our sin. Thank You Lord for the washing of the blood of Jesus. Father, I am so grateful that I come before You as your child, your righteous legacy, loved by so gracious and merciful a Daddy. I am your child you will not disown me, but rather you suffer my foolishness patiently, my weakness and clumsiness with a gracious hand, my miss guided presumptions with mercy. Father I so thank you for Your covering of love.
Oh, how I worship You in holiness, thanking you for Your rod of discipline, Your strong hand of correction, and Your loving guidance of my path, purposing only the most blessed of destiny’s for me. Speak to me Father as only You my Creator can, instilling in Your child the wisdom of the ages, knowledge more priceless than diamonds or gold. Remove from me the dross of this carnal and natural world, and place in me a boldness to live in Your perfect will. Touch my heart, anoint my lips, ordain my hands that I may glorify You Father. I would to be your pleasing and satisfying child, an apple of your eye. Train me in the arsenal of the Spirit, equipped to defend the weak, and terrorize evil. Prepare me for every good work.
Father grant our pleas this day from your eternal Providence, supply us with every provision and need this day and we shall ever be thankful, as we pray, in the name of Jesus, and the power of His blood. Amen.