
A Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, Thou are GOD, There is none other, We praise You for Who and Whom You Are! You are very Holiness, Righteousness, Purity, Goodness, Mercy and Grace. From You we derive a standard of Excellence.

Father, the old prayer warriors used to say that You are a Mighty God, whom Sits High, Yet Looks and Reaches Low, that before there was a Where, or a When, a Now, or a Then, You Were!

Father, when we think on Your Goodness and all You have done for us, our souls get happy, our praise is inspired and our worship gets hot.

Father, Your daily blessings upon us bring forth a joy, a shout, from a place so deep within us, a place that once harbored, pain, sorrow and despair, yet Your so great a salvation has placed a Joy, an Unspeakable Joy, a rejoicing that seethes from some and gushes forth in others, that brings with it a praise and a song, a shout of the redeemed, whom are more than ready to say so.

Father, bless us this day with the forgiveness of all of our sins, we are so grateful that You are so faithful, and we are so blessed to enjoy the washings of the Blood of Jesus, ever ready to have the Blood applied to our very souls, our beings are wonderously touched by the Blood, the blood touches us in our deepest places, sparks the fires of our gratitude, kindles the expressions of Joy in our hearts, reminds us that even though we were once wretched and undone, its wonder working power brought us back into our right minds, set our feet on solid ground, turned our worlds upside down, restored every broken place in our spirits, revived every weak place in our beings, introduced the presence and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, Oh, how Great a Love is in the Blood, Oh! want a passion and devotion we have in our hearts to serve You Father, to Glorify You, to praise and worship Your Name.

Father, lead us in the paths of Righteousness, guide us in the works of Your Holy Will, may our spirits bring forth and manifest all the fruit of the Holy Spirit, may every gift and talent we have been blessed with be exercised and used in the utmost and may all our works be unto Your glorification. Father, may our lives be a grand display of the workings of so Great Love in us, may we bring every vestige of self, under submission, that the very desires of our hearts be all of purity, innocence, and compassion, and may we harbor no unclean thing, that the lost may see in us all the virtues of holiness.

Father, we beg all of this of You, that Your will might be perfected in us and Your kingdom made manifest, all unto Your glory we pray, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus the Christ, YAHUSHUA ha  MASHIACH, and by the potent power of His precious shed blood, Amen