
A Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator!

Father, we awaken bathed in Your Love, we arise fresh in the power of a Holy God, washed and immersed in Your Glory, Your Goodness and Graciousness, dripping and flowing from us, we are the sheep of Your pasture, the children of Your household, Forever Oh LORD! We are Blessed, Hallelujah!

Father, we would that all would know the Wonders of Your Glory, How blessed it is to know a LOVE so Good, so Great, So Awesome, we are Yes, we are Consumed by Your Holiness, Your Righteousness, the abundant life covers us in the blessedness of The Way.

Father, we beg Your forgiveness of all of our sins and transgressions, our repentance and remorse, the grief and tears of our hearts are our presentation to You of our earnest love and devotion, to One Whom’s Love is unsurpassable. We thank You, for Your faithful forgiveness and our joy and jubilation for the washing of the blood of the Lamb overcomes us in praise and worship.

Father, You command us not to be anxious for anything, yet when we look to You, when we think of New Jerusalem, the Lamb of God, which is the light of the City, and our souls, our spirits yearn to rise, to meet You in the Heavens, to be translated, Oh Father, that Day when our change comes, Glory! Hallelu YAH!

Father, give us temperance, bless us with self control, for Father millions won’t make it, how blessed we are to be ones whom will, Glory!

Father, Bless All The Prayers of the Saints, This Day! Father, we pray a special blessing upon all our prayers of intercession, that Your will might be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Father, we pray all things in the Mighty and Matchless Name of JESUS, YESHUA HAMASHIACH! The First and The Last,  Him Whom is worthy and deserving of All Glory, Honor and Praise; and by the Potent Power of His Most Miraculous and Precious Shed Blood.  Amen