
Prayer of the Day

Great and Wonderful Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD, Creator! Father, we thank You for all things, as we rise to a brand new day, opportunities like never before present themselves, blessings overtake us, even as we work through a multitude of sufferings, sorrows, sacrifices, trials, tribulations and troubles, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, we thank You for developing us into bold soldiers for the cause of Christ, as each and every day Your Grand Wisdom Guides us, Your Providential Providence blesses us with every provision, supplying our every need according to Your riches in Glory, by Your so Great Love, Selah!

Father, how rich, how valuable, how precious, is the time spent in Your presence, we participate in wealth untold, privy to the finest, the best of all ages, Oh Ancient of Days, how we love You, how we praise Your Holy Name, our devotion we express for indeed we are blessed, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we beg and beseech Your mercy and compassion in the forgiveness of all of our sins, regretful for everything in which we missed Your mark, every place we fell short of Your Holy Standard of Excellence. Father, we repent and thank You for Your faithful forgiveness which ushers us into the royal baths of the pools of the fountains that flow with the Holy Blood of the Lamb, Selah!

Privileged to partake of this Awesome and Amazing Grace, we submerge ourselves in The Holy Spirit Anointing, immersed in the Ultimate Unction, dripping in Holiness, Righteousness, Purity and Innocence, emerging to spread the Word of God and to make disciples in the power of the Gospel which is to save and set men free, Hallelu YAH!

Father, thank You for allowing us to be yoked up with You in Your Holy Purpose, to live, walk and work in Your Holy Communion, an everlasting and eternal conversation, to share in Your peace which transcends all things, heirs to the Kingdom, lacking no good thing, Selah!

Father, bless all the prayers of the Saints this day and most especially our prayers of intercession, bless the vanguard of Your army as they serve on the front lines, bless the body as it provides logistics and administers, and bless the rearguard as it teaches, preaches and most certainly prays Your will. Father, we count all of this done by Faith in Your Will, in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus the Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, The Mighty God, and by the potent power of His most precious shed Blood, have mercy, Hallelu YAH! Amen