
Prayer of the Day

Father, Oh Father, Continually we acknowledge Your Holiness, the Quality of Your Divine Nature that is an Essential Essence of Your Eternal Being, so far above the character of mortal man, for Your Righteousness, Your Goodness, Your Mighty Mercy and Love, so Distinguishes You, That we must exalt Your name above the Heavens, our Devotion requires that we Worship Your Worthiness, Almighty Creator, ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD, YAHWEH! HALLELU YAH!

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Father, from Everlasting to Everlasting Thou Are God, the Unchanging One, we thank You for so very many blessings, You have given us an abundant Heart, a spirit to speak and sing Your praises, to work out our worship in our daily lives of service and ministry, to be confident that Your Providence perpetually supplies all of our provisions, and Your imparted wisdom tempers our Joy with humility and prudence, that we might walk circumspectly in the flow of the Holy Spirit, Selah!

Oh Father, how the Bread of Heaven rains down upon us, nurturing and sustaining, growing and developing us in the admonition of Holiness, how the Light of Your Love brightens our days and makes clear and straight paths for us, how the sparkling crystal clear purity of Your Holy Word refreshes, teaches and guides us into all Truth and Beauty of the Everlasting Life, Hallelu YAH!

Oh Father, may we take the time to clear our lives, the living tabernacles, the Temples of the Holy Spirit, of all the leaven of sin and iniquity, begging Your Holy intercession and forgiveness of all our transgressions, setting us free from the penalties and pains of the death that is separation, and restoring that immaculate communion by the reconciliation of the Blood of the Lamb, our Suffering Savior, Selah!

Father, Oh Father, how encouraged we are by the constant pouring out of Your amazing Grace, as we learn to continually share the blessings of Forgiveness with our fellowmen, that we may prove Father, to be excellent examples of the Righteous character of those whom are blessed with the birth from above, forever lifting up Jesus and the kingdom of Heaven by our unselfish works of Faith in gratitude, Hallelu YAH!

Father, help us to be ever ready in the appropriation of the vestiges’ of Holiness, adorning ourselves in the fervency of the Anointing, putting on the full armor of God, attired in the Unction of The Holy Spirit, arrayed and ready for battle in the Spiritual Warfare, that all the disciples in fellowship may be prepared to march with the Heavenly Host, in step with the Cadence set by our LORD and Savior, Selah!

Father, we count Your Will Done on Earth as In Heaven, by the Blood of the Lamb and Faith in the Mighty Name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, OUR LORD, OUR STRENGTH, OUR BUCKLER, HIM most True and Wonderful, have mercy, Hallelu YAH! Amen