
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, You’ve been so good to us…Father, we enter Your presence seeking a pure heart, forgive our sin and transgression, wash us in the blood of Jesus, bring us into a peace that passes all understanding, equipping us unto every good work this day. Father we are forever grateful, and thank You and Praise Your Holy Name, Hallelujah! Never does loneliness break upon our path as we are completed in You, able to ever converse with You, to hear from You, to dialogue in the most precious of manners, Father we thank You.

Father ever keep us, and in that keeping may we be mindful of Your sacrifice as the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world. Hallelujah, You entered into flesh to die, that very Death would no longer have a hold on us, having broken every stronghold of evil we now eagerly await Your return. Keep our hearts, our eyes, our head to the sky, with the anticipation that soon and very soon You will crack the sky there to raise unto Yourself a bride, a prepared and peculiar people, a great White Horse Army, how our spirit, soul and body long for Your coming. Father may our anticipation of Your return, be motivation for every service, every work, every desire of our heart. May we make straight paths for Your return. Place Your Word on our tongue, your anointing in our hands, your love in our hearts, your glory in our countenance, we praise and worship you in every act of our life, Glory Hallelujah!

Bless us Oh Lord, to be blessings, to be sanctuaries for the broken, healing for the hurting, liberation for the bound and oppressed. Let us be ever mindful to overcome evil with good, hate with love, spreading the cement of brotherly love in our daily encounters, yet making every opportunity to inject Your Word of Agape unto the miracle of salvation, that we may ever be Kingdom Builders, in the Mighty, Matchless and Glorious name of Jesus, and by the power of His Blood, Amen.