
A Prayer of the Day 200

Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD God, Creator, YAHWEH! Father, every good, great and gracious thing, Thou are IT!Father we give You much thanks as we have come to what might be a milestone of 200 consecutive The Prayer of The Day website iterations, and Father know that we are so grateful, and thankful and as we have devoted to this ministry we have experienced trials, tribulations and sufferings, and yet we have witnessed and partaken of so great an abundance of blessings, as we have seen many such as ourselves go from casual prayer to mighty intercessory warriors, and Father we ask that the trend in the advancement and maturity of the saints in prayer be continued, ourselves included.

Father as we are tired and weary this day, sluggish from our laborers, yet once taking an assessment of where You have brought us from, all that we have overcome to be here this day, our souls, our very hearts are happy, and we shout forth, Hallelujah!

Yes, Father in all things we find they work together for our good because we are called according to Your purpose, such that what the devil thought to our bad, is turned into a thing of worship and praise, a very point of victory, thus sometimes when we think we are late, it is a time to stop, look, and listen to hear You say, look bad, appreciate where we have come from, look at what the partnership, the yoking with The Lord has wrought, celebrate our daily victory’s in Christ, dance and sing and pray and praise, in The Holy Spirit, for the LORD is GOOD ad His MERCY endureth FOREVER!

Father, Bless us in the forgiveness of all of our sins, wash us in the Blood of Christ and we shall be pure, cleanse us in the streams that flow from Emanuel’s veins and we shall be Holy, Righteous, and Innocent. Father, thank You for Your Faithful Forgiveness and Your Righteous Redemption, the gift of Salvation that just keeps on giving throughout Eternity, which is a mighty long time, have mercy.

Father, brighten the paths of the redeemed this day, anoint their countenance in Your glory, let holy heavenly love emanate from our presence and let shekinah be our aura, as we glow like neon, the presence of righteousness in this sin sick world.

Father, bless us to be healers, with the Gospel of Salvation that sets the captives free, flowing and gushing forth from us like a well, pressured in time, seemingly needing to be capped from the overflow. Let the Love of God, flow from us like a mighty rushing river, and may we go sweeping through the cities, towns, villages and countryside’s leaving no place on this earth untouched by The Hand of God.  We are Your people, God’s Property, and the world will recognize the Good work wrought in us and praise and glorify our Father in Heaven, Hallelujah!

So Father, bless all of the prayers of the saints this day, and most especially the prayers of intercession, as we present them before Your throne of mercy, grace and peace, eternal in the heavens, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, amen.