
Prayer of the Day

Father YAHWEH, Most Holy, Righteous and Excellent ELOHIM, Supreme Sovereign LORD GOD Creator, Thou are the God of a million miracles a day, when our backs are against the wall, when we are up against it You can reach down and bring us out and as always Your timing is impeccable, You are always right on time, in time, through time, over time, before, after and beyond time, Hallelu YAH!

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Father, in You is the very base of basic, the found in foundation, the stand of standard, for by You, have all things come into existence, You hold all things together, You are the Pow of Powerful, the Wow of Wonderful, the Awe of Awesome, the Very God of All, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our Savior, Selah!

We Glorify, Magnify, Edify You, we Lift You up constantly, thanking You with every breathe we take, every step we make, with every song we sing, with our everything, for You made infinite, forever and eternal, everlasting, happy are we to praise You, Hallelu YAH!

Father, we bow, kneel and prostrate before You, bringing the burdens of our sins to the foot of Calvary’s Cross, there to be splattered with the precious blood of the Lamb, all of our sins and transgressions dissolved from the potent purifying power, Ah! The Blood, The Blood, The Blood, no other fount we know of absolute absolution, with it comes infinite innocence, eternal forgiveness, by its power the dead live, the blind see, the lame walk, that which is bound is set free, that in lack, prospers, what was lost is restored, healed and saved, Selah!

Father, we adore You, Your love finds in us a perfect place of mercy, saving, healing, delivering and setting free, restoring our broken heart, healing our sin sick souls, bringing clarity to the confused mind, security to the turbulent spirit, joy in the place of sorrow, peace in the place of lack, Father we can only praise and worship a God like that, Hallelu YAH!

Father, bless every house of worship, every meeting of fellowship, every place of assembly, every gathering of congregations, where ever two or three are gathered together in Your name, there You are. Oh! Father, Let Your Glory Rise Up amongst Us, Let Your Anointing, Unction and Holy Spirit Power, reign, rein and rain, on us Father that we might be empowered to excellence in all things, making a mark upon this world that no man may ignore, and thus they will see the good and great works and glorify You, Father, have mercy, Selah!

Father, we thank You this day for the precious privilege of prayer, the amazing grace that saved us the wretched of the earth, the blood of Jesus, which takes away the sins of the world and the many, many blessings You bestow upon us Your faithful servants, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, we pray, Hallelu YAH! Amen