
A Prayer of the Day

Father God, Holy God, Supreme Sovereign LORD Creator, Great is Thy handiwork, eternal in the heavenlies, You are the wonder of the ages, the mystery of eternity, beyond the ability of created beings to comprehend, totally awesome, miracles are the common stuff to You as You are boundless, limitless, uncontainable.

Father, we are expended and exhausted in attempting to define You, for if we call You Great God, You are greater still, if we call You Holy God, You are Holier still, Mighty, You are Mightier still, we yield and just worship and praise You as You are Most Worthy! Hallelujah!

Father, boldly in faith, we approach You, pleading the forgiveness of all our sins, appropriating the blessed right of the redeemed to the faithful forgiveness and the attendant washing of the Blood. Father, we cherish the Blood, we run to the Blood, we have confidence and trust in its purifying power to cleanse, wash, and restore the joy of our salvation.

Father, we dive into the pool of the fountain of the Blood of the Lamb, splashing, covering, immersing and applying it’s wonder working power in the cleansing, in the protection, in the healings and deliverance of the Saints and the sin sick world.

Father, this precious valuable resource of the Kingdom of Heaven, a go to weapon of warrior Saints, praying hedges of protection, coverings of restoration, salvation and healing power, yoke destroying, burden removing and bondage breaking, demon binding and casting out, power to set the captives free, is such a blasting of a blessing unto Your chosen that our gratitude and thanksgiving is forever.

Father, if no other thanks we give, we must acknowledge the gift of the power of the blood, and then Father, you deposit within us, because of the blood’s work of salvation, The Blessed Holy Spirit, Glory Hallelujah! How Good, How Great is That?  Glory!!! Father just these precious gifts of eternal life make us the richest folks in the universe.  Father, Lord help us to understand, comprehend with an attitude of gratitude the extreme blessings of life abundantly You have bestowed upon us.  Father, help us to LOOK beyond the material into the eternal, beyond the crap of this temporal world into the glory of heavenly realms. Father, uncloud our nebulous understandings, that we might see with the clarity of forever.

Father, bless us this day in our work places and homes, bless all the meditations of our hearts, and may all our prayers be pleasing and acceptable in Your sight as we present them before Your throne of authority, in the mighty name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, amen.